The General Election Commission (KPU) held a joint meeting with the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), Monday, February 26. This meeting was held to discuss plans for a re-voting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The chairman of the KPU, Hasyim Asy'ari, said that Bawaslu recommended repeating two voting methods. It is known that abroad there are three voting methods, namely polling stations, mobile ballot boxes (KSK), and posts.

"Although those who are asked to repeat it using the method of mobile and postal cash boxes, later on, we will implement it using two methods, namely the TPS method and the KSK method," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari, Monday.

He explained that technically the implementation was carried out, the KPU had prepared the design. Including the duration and details of the activity.

"First, because the Bawaslu recommendation is that the PSU in Kuala Lumpur must start from updating voter data, then the KPU's first step will be to update voter data," explained Hasyim.

The database for voting is the permanent voter list (DPT) in Kuala Lumpur. From there it was used as the initial material for updating.

"Later we will match the voter method for the KSK method which is not in the DPT," explained Hasyim.

"Well, we will also include it to make up the PSU DPT in Kuala Lumpur," he added.

Hasyim explained that Indonesian citizens in Kuala Lumpur will be directed to the TPS method. Meanwhile, those far from the city center of Kuala Lumpur will be directed to the mobile ballot box method.

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