JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) said that if the General Elections Commission (KPU) does not follow up on recommendations related to elections, it will be considered a problem.

"For us, there is a problem. The recommendation of Bawaslu must be followed up by the KPU," said Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 23.

Bagja said that if the KPU does not implement Bawaslu's recommendation regarding re-voting (PSU), Advanced Voting (PSL), and Aftershocks (PSS), then his party will review the attitude of the Indonesian KPU.

"We will see the process later. Can it enter administrative violations or criminal violations? But almost everything is carried out," he said.

Bagja then reminded the KPU that the PSU, PSL, and PSS implementation limits were 10 days after the vote or February 24, 2024.

However, Bagja admitted that there were several recommendations for polling stations (TPS) that were not carried out by the KPU because they had been examined by Bawaslu.

"Indeed, there are allegations in the LHP (Report of Examination Results), right? The allegations are just allegations. Then whether the action is successful or not, if successful, the PSU will certainly be successful. If it doesn't work, it has been prevented, of course it can't be PSU," he said.

Previously, Bawaslu issued recommendations for 780 polling stations to conduct PSU. In addition, 132 polling stations are recommended to carry out PSL and 584 polling stations to organize PSS.

Meanwhile, KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said the PSU would be carried out in 686 polling stations spread across 38 provinces, 216 regencies/cities, 396 sub-districts and 497 villages/kelurahan and carried out from February 15 to February 24, 2024.

The number of polling stations that will be PSU is different from the number recommended by the Indonesian Bawaslu, which is 780 polling stations.

"We are currently still consolidating data, so that the data we can convey is only 686 for re-voting," said Hasyim during a press conference at the KPU office, Jakarta, Friday, February 23.

His party will consolidate with Bawaslu regarding the difference in numbers. The KPU will also order ranks in provinces, regencies, cities, including ad hoc bodies to be studied.

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