JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy stated that the allocation of Social Protection funds (Perlinsos) worth a total of IDR 490 trillion this year is not only intended for the poor.
The statement was made by Muhadjir to reinforce the difference in definition between the Perlinsos Program and the Social Assistance Program (Bansos) which is currently being pursued by the government.
"The social media includes subsidies, including fuel subsidies, LPG subsidies, electricity subsidies, then fertilizer subsidies, including subsidies for People's Business Credit (KUR) interest," said Coordinating Minister Muhadjir Effendy after attending a ministerial level meeting related to poverty reduction at the Vice Presidential Palace in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 22.
Muhadjir said that people's perceptions often mix the two programs, even though social assistance only includes one part of the Perlinsos Program.
Coordinating Minister Muhadjir said the total Perlinsos funds were allocated by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) worth Rp490 trillion this year. Meanwhile, the social assistance fund of Rp97 trillion is allocated by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) for people who are not economically capable.
The amount of the allocation of social assistance funds is outside the addition of other ministries/agencies allocated, for example from the Food Security Program which ranges from Rp190 trillion.
"The Perlinsos program is all in the Rp490 trillion scheme and that's not all, not even for the poor, this must be confirmed," said Coordinating Minister MuhadjirEffendy.
According to him, the difference in the definition of Perlinsos and social assistance needs to be conveyed to the public so that there is no misperception of the government's efforts to reduce the poverty rate by 7.5 percent and the extreme poverty rate by zero percent this year.
"Don't let fellow journalists convey a budget of IDR 490 trillion to deal with the poor, how come the poverty doesn't go down, that's not it," said Coordinating Minister MuhadjirEffendy.
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