JAKARTA - The KPU responded to the attitude of two pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md who rejected the Recapitulation Information System or Sirekap application to calculate the results of the 2024 General Election.

KPU member Idham Holik said Sirekap was not a determinant but only a tool to publish the results of the 2024 General Election vote acquisition.

"The Election Law has been firm on the official results of the vote count based on the results of the recapitulation carried out in stages which is currently underway," said Idham as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 22.

Idham explained that Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections has strictly regulated the vote count results referring to the tiered manual recapitulation process, starting from the TPS level to the RI KPU.

The regulation states that a maximum time limit of 35 days must determine the election results.

Therefore, the KPU set the deadline for recapitulation is March 20, 2024. Currently, the recapitulation process is still ongoing and is at the District Election Committee (PPK) level.

The tiered manual recapitulation process starting from the PPK, district/city KPU, provincial KPU, to the Indonesian KPU levels is broadcast live.

"Let the Indonesian people watch the recapitulation in stages from the PPK to the Indonesian KPU level," he said.

Previously, PDIP encouraged the General Elections Commission to conduct a digital forensic audit of the use of the Recapitulation Information System or Sirekap in holding the 2024 General Election.

PDI-P in a statement of rejection signed by the Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP Bambang Wuryanto and Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto was sent to the Indonesian KPU in Jakarta, Wednesday (21/2).

"The PDI-P also urges a digital forensic audit of the use of Sirekap tools in organizing the 2024 General Election," the statement read.

The pressure was related to the results of the vote count on Sirekap's tools that occurred nationally.

PDI Perjuangan asked the KPU to disclose the results of the forensic audit to the public or the public as a form of KPU accountability in holding the 2024 General Election.

Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan did not deny that his party was open to building communication with a number of parties regarding allegations of election fraud.

Anies said that his party continues to discuss this fraud with the Ganjar-Mahfud coalition.

"Yes, of course, keep chatting with each other, yes," said Anies at the Faculty of Medicine UI, Salemba, Central Jakarta, Saturday (16/2).

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