Central Jakarta Metro Police Investigate How The Wife Of The Komeng Smuggles Iron Gaqar Into The Tanah Abang Police Cell
Central Jakarta Mtero Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

The Central Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating the action of RA, Sarifudin's wife alias Komeng, smuggling iron saws into the Tanah Abang Police to help her husband escape along with other prisoners.

Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro suspected that there was an element of negligence in this incident.

"Of course, why was it possible to enter the saw into the detention room as an element of examination by the Propam Polda Metro Jaya and the Central Jakarta Metro Police, related to the element of negligence in guarding or visiting the prisoners," said the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro, Thursday, February 22.

Based on the information of the suspects who were arrested, the saw had been in the cell since 3 weeks ago. After the saw entered, they jointly saw the iron tellis.

"Indeed, they plan to escape from the Tanah Abang Police. The size of the trellis is not too big, so it takes time for them to leave," he said.

After the flight of 16 detainees, the Central Jakarta Metro Police conducted an examination of a number of members of the Tanah Abang Police who were on duty at night. Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro said his party conducted an examination of members who were on picket on the day of the incident.

"We have examined 10 picket members. They are members of the picket," said Kombes Susatyo to VOI, Tuesday, February 20.

The examination was carried out by Sie Propam of the Central Jakarta Metro Police. However, Kombes Susatyo did not explain in detail what inspection processes were carried out by the Central Jakarta Police Propam.

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