LAMPUNG - The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) for the Bengkulu-Lampung area appealed to people in West Lampung Regency to increase awareness of the presence of tigers that can attack residents, especially when in gardens.

"The public is temporarily avoiding gardening activities for the next few days, because it is still possible that the tiger will return to the location where prey is hidden, if forced to go to the garden, don't travel alone," said Head of SKW III Lampung, Joko Susilo, when contacted from South Lampung, Thursday, February 22, confiscated by Antara.

He said, to avoid unwanted things from doing activities from late afternoon, night to early morning, because this is when tigers are actively hunting.

"If you meet wild animals like tigers, don't turn around immediately, face the animal while shouting anything we can do, then slowly retreat, until the animal escapes from the eye, and runs as fast as possible," he said.

Previously, the BKSDA Bengkulu-Lampung area set traps in trap cages and camera traps, to follow up on reports of two residents who were killed by tigers in West Lampung.

"To anticipate that there will be no similar cases and reduce public unrest, the Bengkulu-Lampung KSDA Center has installed trap cages and camera traps at the scene where the victim was found," said Head of SKW III Lampung, Joko Susilo.

He also said that his party had deployed a team to evacuate and search for Sumatran tigers that were troubling local residents.

"Sudah menurunkan tim Wildlife Rescue Unit (WRU) Seksi Perservasi Wilayah III Lampung dalam rangka upaya untuk melakukan evakuasi satwa liar jenis Harimau sumatra," katanya.

Previously, two people at different times were found dead as a result of being attacked by a Sumatran tiger in West Lampung.

The Suoh Sector Police, West Lampung Police, again evacuated a resident of Peninjauan Hamlet, Pekon (Village) Bumi Hantati, Bandar Negeri Suoh District, who was allegedly attacked by a tiger, while going gardening.

Suoh Police Chief Iptu Edward Panjaitan, confirmed that his party and the surrounding community managed to evacuate the body of a resident who was allegedly attacked by a Sumatran tiger.

"On Thursday, February 22, 2024, at around 02.00 WIB, victim S (28) was a resident of Peninjauan Hamlet, Pekon Bumi Hantati, found dead, the victim's body was found about 300 meters from the victim's garden in a condition that the organs of the body were not intact," said the Suoh Police Chief.

Then on February 8, 2024, the West Lampung Police team also evacuated residents who died as a result of being attacked by tigers on Thursday, February 8.

The victim named Gunarso (47) is a man who is a resident of Sumber Agung Dua hamlet, Pekon (Village) Sumber Agung, Suoh District, West Lampung Regency.

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