The paid Final Disposal Site (TPA) fire in East Bunguran District, Natuna Regency, Riau Islands (Kepri) was successfully extinguished.

"The process of extinguishing the fire took approximately an hour," said the Head of the Natuna Regency Disdamkar, Syawal, when contacted, Wednesday, February 21, when contacted by Antara.

Syawal said the Paid TPA fire was expected to occur at 15.50 WIB. When the firefighters arrived at the location the fire was already big and if it was too late to handle it.

The red rooster who had been raging at that time, he said, could burn all the garbage and plants in the TPA. However, the fire did not cause any casualties. "There were no casualties in the incident, because the fire could be resolved immediately," he said. He said that his party had deployed a fire engine unit with seven personnel. "There are no obstacles in the process of extinguishing the fire because the location is easy to reach," he said. Meanwhile, the Bujang TPS guard admitted that he did not know for sure the cause of the fire.

According to him, when he learned of a fire, he had tried to extinguish the fire, but couldn't, therefore he reported it to his superiors. "Fortunately the fire team arrived soon, because the fire was big and if left it would burn all the garbage and it would be more difficult to control," he explained. He explained that the fire was expected to occur at 15.50 WIB when the weather was hot and caused strong winds so that the fire quickly grew.

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