JAKARTA - Information circulating about police officers being accused of theft at a boarding house in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta. But this news is denied.
Kapolsek Metro Tanah Abang Kompol Singgih Hermawan said the police officer with the initials PN came to the location to meet a boarding house resident with the initials FA (22).
But when trying to meet, the FA refused. PN tried to force him by shouting. This scream caught the attention of the boarding house owner who is also an FA parent.
"The PN forced his way in while screaming. So that his father FA shouted thieves, thieves asked for help from local residents," said Singgih to reporters, Friday, February 26.
Finally PN, a member of the Intel Polda Metro Jaya unit, was secured by local residents. He was taken to the Tanah Abang Metro Police.
From the results of the investigation, the PN was not proven to have committed theft or attempted theft. Because PN and FA have a relationship.
"So it is not a criminal act of theft, but the PN and FA have a personal relationship," said Singgih.
Regarding the use of senpi by the PN, Singgih said this accusation was not proven. Because, PN does not carry senpi but airsoft gun. PN doesn't use it at all.
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