JAKARTA - The Aiman Witjaksono camp questioned the confiscation permit which was not signed by the Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court (Jaksel). Responding to him, Polda Metro Jaya said it was just a technical issue.

"Regarding then the person who issued and signed the letter of stipulation of the confiscation permit and the letter of approval for the confiscation was the Deputy Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court, which was a technical matter at the South Jakarta District Court," said Head of Legal Affairs of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Leonardus Simamarta in a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, February 20.

According to him, the investigation team of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya in the application for a confiscation permit has submitted directly to the Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court.

However, when the request was granted, the permit was signed by the vice chairman.

"In the application letter for a confiscation permit or a request for confiscation, it is clearly addressed to the Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court, not to the Deputy Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court," he said.

Meanwhile, Aiman Witjaksono's legal team said that the confiscation of cell phones, social media, and emails by investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police was legally flawed.

"The confiscation permit must be signed by the Chairman of the District Court, not the Deputy Chair of the District Court," said Head of the Judicial Team Aiman Witjaksono, Finsensius Mendrofa.

According to him, the confiscation letter issued by the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) which became the basis for the confiscation of Aiman Witjaksono's cell phone was not in accordance with applicable law.

Mendrofa said that the head of the South Jakarta District Court should have signed the letter, not the Deputy Chair of the South Jakarta District Court, especially in the confiscation letter, also did not include the Deputy Chairperson of the South Jakarta District Court as acting or acting.

For this reason, said Mendrofa, his party submitted a pretrial to the South Jakarta District Court, so that what had been confiscated by the police could be returned.

"The confiscation by the respondent (Investigator of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police) is formally flawed," said Finsensius.

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