The viral act of obscenity befell one of the first high school (SMP) students in Probolinggo City, East Java. The victim survived the child predator, after being secured by a collection of mothers. This incident went viral, after a video of the victim's rescue by a collection of mak-mak, circulated on social media networks (medsos). Seen in the video recording, the victim cried a week after becoming a victim of sexual abuse. The incident began when the student came home alone from her school. Suddenly the student was approached by David (21), the perpetrator of the city of Probolinggo. With all persuasion, David tried to deceive the student in the mangrove forest. Seeing that there was a group of mak-mak who was not far from the location, the student then fled. He ran to secure himself and asked for help to the mak-mak. Knowing the story of the victim, mak-mak and the residents around the location, immediately secured the perpetrator. The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Probolinggo City Police, AKP Didik Riyanto, said the incident occurred on Thursday, February 15, 2024 last week. The victim's parents then made a police report, on the next day. Not less than 1x24 hours, the perpetrator was then arrested by officers on Friday night at his home. From the perpetrator's statement, it is known that the perpetrator launched his action because there was already an earlier intention.
"So this perpetrator, did have the intention before, until he met the victim. Initially, the perpetrator promised to take the victim back to his house, but the perpetrator instead brought the victim to the beach and launched his action," said Didik, Tuesday, February 20. For his actions, the perpetrator will be charged with Article 82 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 766 of the Republic of Indonesia Law, number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection.
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