JAKARTA - United Nations officials who oversee aid to Gaza, Palestine warned donor countries in Europe that no one could replace the role of the UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA), after several countries stopped funding due to alleged ties to Hamas.

This was conveyed by the UN Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza Sigrid Kaag, while briefing 27 European Union foreign ministers on Monday about conditions in the Palestinian enclave which she described as dire.

The halt in funding to UNRWA, from countries including Germany and Austria, follows allegations that a small number of the agency's staff were involved in Hamas attacks on Israel on October 7.

Kaag, a former Dutch foreign minister, described the allegations as "appalling", as two separate investigative teams probed the claims under UN orders.

However, "it is very clear, if you look at the ability of the international humanitarian community to provide assistance in Gaza at this time, nothing can replace UNRWA's role," he said, according to The National News, February 20.

"I have confirmed it again today," he said.

It is known that the European Union is struggling to reach a common position on the crisis, with at least two countries, Spain and Ireland, pledging to continue funding UNRWA while other countries have suspended payments.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell failed to get support from 27 countries to warn Israel against escalating fighting in Rafah, on the southern tip of Gaza.

Germany, one of UNRWA's biggest donors, has said it will not approve new donations until it sees the results of the UN investigation, and is maintaining funding for other agencies such as the Red Cross.

Meanwhile, Irish Foreign Minister Micheal Martin described UNRWA as essential to any post-war peace plan, as European and Arab diplomats try to broker a ceasefire in the region.

"Every new government in Gaza, every new administration will need UNRWA to provide key social services. It is the only organization that has the reach and bandwidth to do that," he said.

Spain also defended UNRWA, with Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares Bueno calling it an "indispensable UN agency" in caring for Palestinian refugees.

Ireland and Spain last week wrote a joint letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen urging her to review the EU's trade relations with Israel in light of alleged human rights abuses committed by the country's military.

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