The Manager of the Pusdalops Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (OKU), South Sumatra, Gunalfi said that the floods that hit the local area a few days ago were caused by extreme weather factors.

"Extreme weather factors where heavy rains have been going on for a long time have caused floods to inundate hundreds of houses in OKU," said Gunalfi in Baturaja, Sunday.

He said that after the flood, his party coordinated with the BMKG of South Sumatra Province regarding extreme weather analysis which caused flooding due to the overflow of the Ogan River that hit several sub-districts in OKU Regency on Friday (16/2).

Based on BMKG analysis, it is known that extreme weather is caused by a pattern of shear lines or wind turns and convergence in the South and West parts of South Sumatra which causes air mass buildup and forms convective clouds/rain in these areas, including OKU Regency.

"The 850-500 mb layer of air in the South Sumatra region is quite high, ranging from 80-90 percent," he said.

According to him, the weather conditions are predicted to continue for the next few days so they must be watched out for together for potential natural disasters in OKU Regency.

As a precautionary measure, the OKU Regency Government has set a natural disaster alert status so that floods and landslides can be overcome as early as possible.

In determining the status, his party reactivated the natural disaster management post in every sub-district in the region.

Each post is alerted by personnel assisted by volunteers to tackle natural disasters so as not to cause material losses and casualties.

"Including all disaster management equipment, we have also prepared at these posts," he said.

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