The Cianjur Regency Government (Pemkab) has revoked the status of the ground emergency response (TDB) in Jatisari Village, Bojongpicung District after a number of handling efforts were carried out and residents were allowed to return home under surveillance from officers.

The TDB Field Coordinator for the movement of Bojongpicung land, Herman when contacted in Cianjur, Sunday, said that after 12 days of the TDB period for ground movement, joint officers were finally disbanded and previously had provided socialization to 65 displaced families.

"Efforts to handle such as closing faults with soil and planting hard trees in landslide areas according to the instructions of the Geological Agency and BMKG, we provide socialization and evaluation for residents before being allowed to return to their respective homes," he said.

He explained that for residents in two villages, Sukajadi and Cinde have been allowed to return to their homes, including residents whose houses were damaged, they could be repaired with the construction of houses on stilts instead of permanent houses to avoid unwanted things.

Monitoring and assistance are still carried out by joint officers from the Cianjur BPBD assisted by volunteers from various humanitarian organizations, including urging residents to increase vigilance when it rains heavily with an intensity of more than two hours.

"We ask residents to remain vigilant and evacuate immediately when it rains heavily with old intensity or more than two hours, in order to avoid unwanted things," he said.

As reported by the Cianjur Regency Government, setting a Land Movement Emergency Tangap (TDB) in Jatisari Village, Bojongpicung District, Wednesday, May 1 for 12 days, the application of the status of TDB for ground movement based on the number of affected houses and the presence of refugees and the continued widespread movement of land.

It was recorded that around 61 houses and 2 mosques were affected, while the families who fled were 67 families with a total of about 214 people.

There are no special refugee camps because most residents choose to ride at their relatives' homes which are considered safe from ground movement, but a number of posts have been built to help ease the burden on residents.

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