TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto transferred, gave promotions, and rotated 61 TNI officers from three dimensions, including the Commander of the Indonesian Army Aviation Center (Danpuspenerbad) and the Head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau).

Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Maj. Gen. Nugraha Gumilar explained that the mutation was aimed at 33 high-ranking officers of the Indonesian Army, 13 high-ranking officers of the Indonesian Navy, and 15 high-ranking officers of the Indonesian Air Force.

In the Decree (SK) numbered Kep/168/II/2024, which was signed by the Commander on February 7, 2024, Major General TNI A. Jaka Tandang served as Danpuspenerbad replacing Major General TNI Toto Nugroho.

The old position of Major General Jaka as Intelligence Assistant (Asintel) of the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (KSAD) was also filled by Brigadier General Drajad Brima Yoga who received promotions from his previous position as Commander of the Indonesian Army Territorial Education Center (Danpusdikter Pusterad).

The Commander also appointed Colonel Inf. Boemi Ario Bimo as replacement for Brigadier General Drajad Brima.

Then, TNI Major General Gabriel Lema, who previously served as the Special Staff of Kasad, is currently the Assistant Operations (Asops) of the TNI Commander. The position of Head of the Jakarta High Military Court (Kadilmiti) II of the Supreme Court has also changed, which was previously filled by Brigadier General Faridah Faisal, currently held by First Admiral Tuty Kiptiani.

Not only at the Jakarta High Military Court II, the position of Kadilmilti I Medan is also currently filled by Marine Colonel (H) Hari Aji Sugianto who received promotions from his previous position as Deputy Head of the Jakarta High Military Court II.

Colonel Chk Esron Sinambela, who previously served as Deputy Head of the Surabaya III Military Court, has now been promoted as Head of the Surabaya High Military Court III.

Meanwhile, Colonel Cpm Irsyad Hamdie Bey Anwar, who previously served as Danpomdam Jaya, also received promotions as Head of the Jakarta High Military Authority (Kaotmilti) II. Brigadier General Safrin Rachman, who previously served as Kaotmilti II Jakarta, is currently the Special Staff of Kasad. Not only Safrin currently fills the Kasad special staff, there is also Major General Roni Pasaribu who was rotated from his previous position as an expert staff officer for Kasad in the field of military and cyber technology industries.

This position is currently filled by Brigadier General Jamallulael. So far, his position as Head of the TNI's Procurement Center (Kapusada) has been vacant.

From the ranks of the Indonesian Navy, the TNI Commander transferred Major General TNI (Mar) Oni Junianto from his previous position as an expert staff officer to the special staff of the TNI Commander. Rear Admiral TNI Rachmad Jayadi, who previously served as Assistant Operations Commander, currently fills Oni's position as an expert staff officer of the Commander.

Then, TNI First Admiral Tri Harsono received promotions as Assistant for Electronic Communication of the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy (Askomek Kasal). TNI Admiral dr. Agus Guntoro, who previously served as Deputy Head of the Indonesian National Armed Forces' Health Center (Waka Puskes), is currently the Special Staff of Kasal.

The position of Deputy Head of the TNI Health Center is currently filled by the TNI Admiral R. M. Tjahja Nurrobi.

From the ranks of the Indonesian Air Force, the position of Kadispenau is currently filled by the First Marshal of the TNI Bambang Juniar Djatmiko. His old official, Marsma TNI R. Agung 'Sharky' Sasongkojati became a high-ranking officer at the Indonesian Air Force Headquarters in order to retire.

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