Undergoing The Kawalu Ritual, The Badui Area Is Closed For 3 Months Until April 13
The Inland Bedouin community in the interior of Lebak Regency is closed to tourists in connection with entering the escort ritual for three months from February 13 to April 13, 2024. (ANTARA/Mansur)

BANTEN - The Inland Bedouin community area in Kanekes Village, Lebak Regency, Banten set February 13, 2024, to enter the Kawalu ritual. "We ask tourists not to enter the Dalam Bedouin area during the Kawalu ritual," said the traditional leader who is also the Head of Kanekes Village, Lebak Regency, Saija in Lebak, Tuesday, Banten, Tuesday, February 13, was confiscated by Antara. Village government has already submitted a ritual for the celebration of escort to the Regency Government (Pemkab) Lebak. The determination of the escort celebration is a mandate of traditional ancestors that must be carried out every year for three months. February 13, 2024," Saija said. According to Saija, the escort ritual in Badui Dalam spread across Cikeusik, Cikawartan Village was carried out with fasting which was held on February 17-18, 2024.

After fasting all day, the Bedouin will hold prayers and serve various foods to enjoy gratitude. in the prayer offered by Puun or traditional leaders to God Almighty in order to be given safety, health, fertility of agriculture, security, peace and harmony of the nation so that it is not divided. "We hope that the traditional prayer will be more prosperous in the community and can strengthen unity and integrity," said Saija.

Saija mengatakan ritual kawalu ini wajib diikuti oleh seluruh warga Badui, namun upacara suci itu dipusatkan di tiga kampung tangtu (Badui Dalam) dengan tiga Puun di masing-masing kampung yakni Cibeo, Cikeusik dan Cikertawana.Pelaksanaan ritual Kawalu bertempat di Bale yang lokasinya tak jauh dari tempat tinggal Puun (pemangku adat) dan masyarakat Badui Dalam maupun Badui Luar nantinya berkumpul dan memenuhi bale itu,"katanya.Ia mengimbau wisatawan agar menghormati dan menghargai kawasan perkampungan Badui Dalam yang ada di tiga kampung yang fokus beribadah dan doa atau nyepi dan tidak boleh terganggu.Masyarakat Badui Dalam kini menutup diri untuk melaksanakan ritual kawalu selama tiga bulan dan kembali dibuka 13 April 2024.Masyarakat Badui Dalam itu berdasarkan kesepakatan tangtu tilu (pemimpin adat) dan pada hari ke-18 mereka melaksanakan puasa dan menggelar upacara ritual ngeriung selamatan."Kami berharap pelaksanaan ritual kawalu berjalan lancar dan semoga bangsa Indonesia lebih maju dan masyarakatnya sejahtera," kata Saija.

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