JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) questioned President Joko Widodo or Jokowi's move to increase the performance allowance (tukin) for employees within the Secretariat General of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) ahead of the 2024 General Election.

This is because this step actually raises the bad perception behind the increase in tukin.

"It could be that the perception that arises from providing performance allowances (tukin) in the environment, in moments like now is interpreted as "one", not incentives, not rewards, but as "one that becomes..." I don't want to mention what term 'bribery', I don't think that's the right term," said TPN Deputy for Law Ganjar-Mahfud, Todung Mulya Lubis to reporters, Tuesday, February 13.

The bad perception arose because of the decision to raise tukin for Bawaslu members close to the moment of voting.

In fact, the step to increase the allowance is actually very good. Given, the task of Bawaslu members to anticipate fraud in election contestation is very heavy.

"But I don't think the moment is right, the time is not right, I don't agree. If I agree, I agree, because the performance is better, there should be such rewards," he said.

According to him, Jokowi could be wiser in determining the time to increase the Tukin for Bawaslu members. For example, after the voting moment is over.

"But in a moment like this there are questions on many parties, why now? Why now, why not later after the general election, after the presidential election," said Todung.

President Jokowi issued Presidential Regulation (Perpres) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2024 concerning Tukin Employees in the Secretariat General of Bawaslu.

In a copy of the Presidential Decree which was reported from the jdih.setneg.go.id page today, the nominal amount of the performance allowance paid per month is divided into 17 levels of office class, starting from Rp1,968,000 for the 1st to Rp29,085,000 office classes. 17.

"The performance allowance for employees within the Secretariat General of the General Election Supervisory Body as referred to in Article 3 is given starting from the Presidential Regulation," reads Article 4 of Presidential Decree Number 18 of 2024.

The regulation was stipulated in Jakarta and signed by President Jokowi on Monday, February 12.

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