JAKARTA - The Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police will clearly explain the progress of handling the death of Raden Andante Khalif Pramudityo or Dante (6), the son of the artificial Tamara Tyasmara this afternoon.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said several experts involved in the investigation process would convey all the facts obtained.

"Forensic digital experts, DOC experts (Forensic Doctors) and Patologists will be presented," said Ade when confirmed, Monday, February 12.

The experts will describe the facts found during the investigation process, one of which is regarding the results of Dante's autopsy.

It is known that investigators conducted an exhumation of Tamara Tyasmara's child on February 6.

"This afternoon it will be released at the General Criminal Directorate," said Ade.

For temporary developments, investigators have arrested Tamara's lover, Yudha Arfandi and named her a suspect. The arrests were made at his residence in the Pondok Kelapa area, East Jakarta, February 9.

Currently, Yudha Arfandi has also been detained at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center.

Yudha Arfandi was named a suspect because based on the available evidence, he deliberately buried Dante's head in the water. As of now, he did it 12 times.

In that case, Yudha Arfandi was charged with Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and or Article 340 of the Criminal Code and or Article 338 of the Criminal Code and or Article 359 of the Criminal Code.

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