ACEH besar - The Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Aceh Besar Regency prohibits people in the area from celebrating Valentine's Day or what is often referred to as Valentine's Day.
"The culture of celebrating Valentine's Day is very contrary to Islamic law and Law Number 44 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of the Privileges of the Special Region of Aceh, and Qanun of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Number 11 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of Islamic Sharia in the Fields of Aqidah,ibadah and Islamic Shari'a," said Acting (Pj) Aceh Besar Regent Muhammad Iswnto as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 7.
The statement was made following a call with Forkopimda Aceh Besar regarding the ban on Valentine's Day celebrations in local districts. The joint call was signed by elements of Forkopimda Plus Aceh Besar.
He said the ban on Valentine's Day celebrations throughout the Aceh Besar area was not only for recreational locations, hotels, or the like, but also at all locations of public facilities within the Aceh Besar area.
"This ban is comprehensive and will be supervised by an integrated team from the Regency Government," he said
The Aceh Besar Regency Government has instructed the ranks of the Satpol PP and Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) of Aceh Besar to increase patrols throughout the region, by dividing several groups for designated regional targets.
"This is a form of enforcement of Islamic law, we don't want half," he said.
The call for Forkopimda Aceh Besar District, among others, asks all residents in the district not to celebrate Valentine's Day in any form and asks school principals and teachers/parents/guardians, to supervise and foster and teach children not to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Then to hotel/restaurants/cafe owners not to provide a place for Valentine's Day celebrations in any form and ask ulama/tengku/ustad/religious figures/dandiary figures/dai to provide education that Valentine's Day celebrations are legal to all people who live in Aceh Besar District.
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