JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that local fault activity had caused a shallow tectonic earthquake in the Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on Friday, February 2.

"So taking into account the location of the epicenter and its depth, the earthquake that occurred was a type of shallow earthquake due to local fault activity," said Head of Kupang Geophysics Station NTT Margiono in an official statement, Friday, February 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the earthquake had parameters with a magnitude of 2.7 (M) located on land at a distance of 11 kilometers northeast of Alor, NTT, which was 6 kilometers deep.

Based on a report compiled by BMKG officers, several local people felt the MMI level II vibration, due to an earthquake with an epicenter at coordinates 8.20 South Latitude, 124.59 East Longitude in the Alor area.

He said that until now his party had not received reports of the impact of the damage caused by the earthquake.

Likewise, based on the results of the tsunami modeling monitor with tectonic earthquake sources, it shows that the earthquake has no potential for a tsunami.

"The results of BMKG monitoring have not shown any aftershock activity," he said.

Nevertheless, BMKG continues to urge the people of Alor and its surroundings to be able to ensure that residential buildings are earthquake-resistant enough, or that there is no damage caused by vibrations that endanger the stability of the building so that it is safe from the potential for building collapse caused by the earthquake.

"Stay calm and not be influenced by issues that cannot be justified," he said.

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