Democratic Candidate In East Java Gus Thoriq Willing To Be Sanctioned To Support Ganjar Pranowo
Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo

The candidate for the DPRD for the V East Java electoral district from the Democratic Party as well as the caretaker of the Babusalam Malang Islamic Boarding School, KH Thoriq bin Ziyad, has openly imposed his support for Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD. Even the pioneering kiai for the birth of Santri Day is ready and willing if he is sanctioned by the Democrats.

This support was conveyed directly during the 2024 Presidential Candidate, Ganjar Pranowo came to Gus Thoriq's residence at the Babusalam Malang Islamic Boarding School, Tuesday, January 30. Gus Thoriq gave a warm response by inserting a red answer to Ganjar's neck.

"Sugeng rawuh mas Ganjar, monggo pinarak (welcome, mas Ganjar, please come in)," said Gus Thoriq after playing Ganjar and hugging each other.

Gus Thoriq then took Ganjar's hand and took him into his residence. Gus Thoriq gave warmth to Ganjar without any barriers that limited the two.

While chatting at his residence, Gus Thoriq emphasized his support for Ganjar Pranowo as president in 2024. He conveyed this support directly in front of Ganjar and witnessed by several figures who were present there. One of them is the PDIP DPP administrator, Ahmad Basarah.

"Please witness everything, yes, I support Mas Ganjar to become president. Hopefully he will be appointed president and hopefully he will win one round," said Gus Thoriq.

"Qobul, Alhamdulillah," said a number of figures who were there hearing Gus Thoriq's statement.

Met after the event, Gus Thoriq said he firmly supported Ganjar. The reason is that Ganjar was the first presidential candidate to come to meet him.

"I support Mas Ganjar because he came directly. No other candidates come here. In addition, we are also the same, wanting to provide goodness for the nation and state," he said.

Asked whether he was not afraid of being sanctioned by the party, Gus Thoriq emphasized that he was not afraid at all. He said that his support for Ganjar was more important than party sanctions.

"This is a matter of the nation and state, not a matter of the party," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Ganjar expressed his gratitude for Gus Thoriq's warm support and welcome. Although different parties, but still one brother.

"I thank Gus Thoriq for accepting me. He is an extraordinary figure who of course has no doubt. What is interesting is that he used to be active in GMNI, so he is the same as me," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said he received a lot of advice and input in the meeting. The two exchanged experiences related to nationality.

"His thinking is very cool because it is always for the sake of the nation and state. How unity and integrity cannot be broken, even in any way, including different choices in contestation," he concluded.

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