NTT - Deputy Regent (Wabup) West Manggarai Yulianus Weng instructed the local health office (Dinkes) to socialize Regent Regulation (Perbup) Number 8 of 2023 concerning Non-Smoking Areas which will take effect from January 3, 2024.

"For the relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), the health office should immediately carry out socialization so that the perbup that has been designated as an ompong," he said in a statement received in Borong, the capital city of East Manggarai Regency, NTT, Tuesday, January 30, was confiscated by Antara. He explained that regional offices and OPD offices must immediately implement the perbup dated December 27, 2023, although the health office has not conducted socialization. he also asked that every office to prepare a special room for smoking and not to smoke freely in the office room so as not to disturb others.," he said.

Lebih lanjut, untuk fasilitas kesehatan dan sekolah tidak boleh ada kawasan rokok di dalam lingkungannya. Apabila merokok harus berada di luar halaman.“Kalau mau merokok harus ada di luar halaman baik puskesmas, rumah sakit maupun sekolah," tegasnya.Ia berharap Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) menjadi contoh bagi masyarakat, untuk menjalankan perbup tersebut sebab membebaskan lingkungan kantor dari asap rokok dimulai dari lingkungan kantor masing-masing OPD.“Kita yang ASN memberikan contoh kepada masyarakat, kita mulai membebaskan kawasan ini dari asap rokok untuk hal hal tertentu. Ini mohon menjadi perhatian bersama sebelum nanti dinas kesehatan melakukan sosialisasi," katanya.

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