JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat) recorded that the fire case in the capital throughout 2023 reached 2,286 incidents.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Gulkarmat Service, Satriadi Gunawan, said that of the thousands of incidents, cases of fires throughout 2023 suffered losses of up to Rp280.5 billion.

"Taxisran kerugian kejadian kebakaran 1 Januari hingga 31 Desember 2023 pada tahun 2023 mencapai Rp280.507.180.500 dan tahun 2022 mencapai Rp245.113.580,000," kata Satriadi dalam keterangannya, Rabu, 24 Januari.

Satriadi said the increase in the value of community losses for the 2022 to 2023 fire incident was in line with the increase in the number of cases. In 2022, the number of cases of fire was 1,691 incidents.

Then, the most common cause in fire cases throughout 2023 is an electrical short circuit with a percentage of 65.82 percent.

Another cause is gas leakage with a percentage of 11.41 percent, 5.27 percent of waste burning, 2.13 percent of cigarettes, and 0.24 percent of wax. Then, another cause was 15.13 percent.

Meanwhile, the objects that burned the most throughout 2023 were the changing buildings with 637 incidents, the installation outside the 514 buildings, public buildings, and the 259 trade incident.

Then, the object of the vehicle 103 incidents, 70 incidents of garbage, 39 incidents of plants, 22 incidents of stalls, 18 industrial buildings, and 147 other objects.

"Fire is not a disaster, actually. Fire is a risk because there are many factors that can cause fires such as public negligence. This electrical short is the most dominant," explained Satriadi.

Furthermore, Satriadi also mentioned that one of the causes of the increase in the number of fire cases in 2023 was the El Nino phenomenon.

"For now, fires are increasing due to the prolonged dry season. Indeed, it is an extreme dry season, right," he added.

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