KapUAS HULU - Floods in Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan resulted in the paralysis of community activities. One of them is the teaching and learning process of students at schools. Head of the Kapuas Hulu Education Office, Petrus Kusnadi explained, at least 104 schools from various levels of education were flooded scattered in a number of sub-districts. "At least from 19 yesterday the submerged schools consisted of undergraduates and PAUD 24 schools, SD 66 schools, then SMP 14 schools that had been affected by the flood," he said, Wednesday 24 Jakarta. Following up on the problem of flooding in the school, the Kapuas Hulu Disdik took a policy of granting freedom of schools to eliminate learning activities in schools. "We urge schools that have been flooded for a long time to adjust to the local situation. Can study at home or online," he said. Kusnadi said, Disdik cannot force students to study in schools in the midst of flood conditions. The reason is, this could endanger students who are still children's age. "I hope that all assets in the school have been secured," he said. Based on data from the Kapuas Hulu Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), until now the flood is still submerging a number of sub-districts in Kapuas Hulu, especially in the downstream region, including Embaloh Hilir, Bunut Hilir, Jongkong, Selimbau, Semitau, and Silat Hilir. In addition, flooding has also increased to two new sub-districts, including Batang Lupar in the Pangjar area of Deras and Badau Districts in the Majang Island area.

Floods in Kapuas Hulu reached heights ranging from 50 centimeters to 2 meters. This was triggered by heavy rains that hit the area two weeks ago. In addition, the overflow of the Kapuas and Danau Sentarum rivers is also a factor in flooding. The overflow occurred due to the flow of water discharges from the Sintang and Melawi Regencies, although there was no rain in Kapuas Hulu.

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