JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate number three, Mahfud MD said that the gimmick carried out by vice president number two, Gibran Rakabuming Raka actually embarrassed himself. In fact, questions about green inflation or greenflation are like being asked by elementary school (SD) students.

He said this during the Collision Prof event which took place at the Borjuis coffee shop in Semarang, Central Java, Tuesday, January 23. Initially, Mahfud alluded to every question that should have started with the rear screen or the incident.

"This has not happened yet and immediately asked, 'what do you think green inflation is?'. That's academically for grade 3 elementary schools," Mahfud said as quoted on Wednesday, January 24.

"Academically the question is raw, so it is not worth answering. I wanted to embarrass and embarrass me back," he continued to applause.

Mahfud also mentioned the action of President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son when he was in the middle of looking for answers. He said the gimmick could have been whispered by coach Gibran to assume him as a stupid person and could be bullied.

"So Mas Gibran was trained with pelinguk as if he was looking for something, so I said a small question," said the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam).

Gibran and Mahfud attacked each other during the fourth debate held by the General Elections Commission (KPU). The themes raised at that time were sustainable development, natural resources, the environment, energy, food, agrarianism, and indigenous peoples as well as villages.

At that time, Mahfud had time to return questions about green inflation or greenflation that Gibran asked the moderator of the debate. The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) emphasized that the question was tiny that did not need to be answered.

This moment began when Gibran was asked to explain the green inflation' in accordance with the debate rules set by the General Elections Commission (KPU). At that time, he admitted that he deliberately did not explain the foreign term, because he considered Mahfud to have the title of professor.

"Green inflation is the sesampel green inflation," said Gibran.

Then, Mahfud answered that question by explaining that the green economy and the circular economy are processes for the use of economic and food products. For example, produced and then used and recycled are not discarded.

However, Mahfud's response was considered by Gibran not to answer his question. Prabowo Subianto's vice presidential candidate even looked down and seemed to be looking for something in front of Mahfud.

"I'm looking for Prof Mahfud's answer, I'm looking for the answer. How come I didn't find the answer. I asked if green inflation would explain the green economy," said Gibran during the debate.

Then, the Mayor of Solo gave an example that the yellow vest demonstration in France had taken its toll. Gibran said that the transition to green energy should not sacrifice expensive research and development to the small people.

"That's what I mean by green inflation Prof Mahfud," he said.

Receiving that answer, Mahfud then judged Gibran to be inconsequential. "It's irregular to associate it with something that doesn't exist. You see, from an academic, it's easy for questions like that to be small," Mahfud said at the time.

"The harassment is therefore not worth answering in my opinion, and therefore I return it to the moderator. This is not worth answering questions like that, there is no point in answering," he concluded.

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