JAKARTA - Israeli authorities have offered Hamas a two-month ceasefire as part of a deal regarding hostages, Axios reported, citing two unnamed Israeli officials.

This will be "the longest ceasefire period Israel has offered Hamas since the start of the war," wrote Axios reporter Barak Ravid, who is also a CNN analyst, as quoted on January 23.

The Israeli proposal calls for the release of all remaining hostages and bodies in several stages, in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners imprisoned in Israel, according to the report.

It would also see Israel move its troops out of major population centers and allow "the gradual return of Palestinian civilians to Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip."

It is known that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected demands for an end to the war as part of the terms of the deal.

Furthermore, Israel has proposed that senior Hamas leaders could leave Gaza as part of a broader ceasefire agreement, two officials familiar with the discussions said.

The suggestion, while unlikely to be accepted by Hamas, has been discussed as part of broader ceasefire talks at least twice in recent weeks.

First last month in Warsaw by Israeli intelligence chief Mossad Director David Barnea and then again this month in Doha with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to an official familiar with the discussions.

Nearly four months into the war in Gaza, Israel has failed to arrest or kill any senior Hamas officials or elites in Gaza, while 70 percent of Hamas' strength remains intact, according to Israel's own estimates.

On the Hamas side, although this will provide a safe exit from Gaza, the exit of senior leaders is considered to weaken Hamas in Gaza, allowing Israel to continue tracking high-value targets abroad.

Senior Hamas officials are known to live in Doha, Qatar and the Lebanese capital, Beirut, as well as other places outside the Palestinian territories. An Israeli airstrike earlier this month killed a top Hamas commander in Beirut.

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