MATARAM - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that rainfall in the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province will increase at the end of January 2024.

"Rainfallfall has increased again, be aware of the potential for hydrometeorological disasters," said BMKG forecaster at NTB Cakra Mahasurya Atmojo Pamungkas, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 22.

According to the BMKG forecast, during the third basis of January 2024 (22 to 31 January) most of NTB areas are around 90 percent likely to face rainfall of more than 50 millimeters per basis.

During that period, the probability for most parts of the northern part of Lombok Island, northern Sumbawa, and northern Bima to experience rainfall of more than 100 millimeters per basis ranged from 50 to 90 percent.

"Peluang curah hujan dengan intensitas 150 milimeter per dasarian terjadi di Lombok bagian utara sebesar 50 sampai 60 persen dan sebesar 70 sampai 90 persen di wilayah Labuhan Badas, Pekat, Sanggar dan Tambora," kata Cakra.

BMKG said that the Pekat District area in Dompu Regency and Labuhan Badas District in Sumbawa Regency was on standby for the impact of high rainfall, while Sanggar District in Bima Regency had an alert status, and Tambora District in Bima Regency had an alert status.

Currently, some areas of NTB have entered the rainy season and some are still in the transition period of the season.

Residents are advised to be aware of the possibility of hydrometeorological disasters such as floods and landslides due to heavy rains accompanied by strong winds that can occur suddenly and locally.

In addition, residents are advised to use rain to fill reservoirs, reservoirs, and other water reservoirs.

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