JAKARTA - The Commander of the Communication Team (Bravo) TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Budisatrio Djiwandono emphasized that the alignment of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, against natural conservation efforts in Indonesia will not only be a discourse. Budisatrio guarantees that the partiality that has been stated in the vision and mission of Prabowo-Gibran will be carried out when he receives the mandate as president and vice president in 2024-2029. Prabowo-Gibran, said Budi, also discussed the protection and cessation of the destruction of conservation areas, protection of rare animals and plants, accompanied by severe penalties for those who violate.

For nature conservation, both plants, animals and ecosystems, Prabowo Gibran has full sides. All parties must be involved with strict law enforcement and collaborative spirit. This is a priority and important concern for future generations. " said Budisatrio to reporters in Jakarta, Saturday, January 20.

The chairman of the Panja for the preparation of the Revision of the Law on Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Ecosystems (KSDAHE) explained that Prabowo-Gibran's firm stance will be shown in law enforcement in every violation.

"In AstaCita 2, it is written that the severe punishment will be given to the owners of companies involved in mining businesses that damage ecology, illegal logging, forest fires, and the killing of protected rare animals. It must be done so that there is a deterrent effect. And this is also in line with the Revision of the Conservation Law which is being discussed in the DPR," he explained.

In addition to law enforcement, Budi continued, Prabowo-Gibran will also conduct environmental conservation efforts that are carried out in the spirit of collaboration with all parties involved.

If so far conservation seems centralized, in the future natural conservation efforts will be carried out in collaboration, both with indigenous peoples, people around the region, local governments, academics, and the private sector. Everyone must be involved," he said.

"For example, when rehabilitating damaged forests, Prabowo-Gibran will use the Public Private People Partnership or PPPP scheme where the biggest benefit will later be felt by the community," continued the member of the DPR for the East Kalimantan electoral district. The chairman of Commission IV of the DPR from the Gerindra faction also emphasized that efforts to carry out natural conservation are very important in order to make Indonesia a green economy country.

Indonesia has the opportunity to become a big country in utilizing a green economy. For this reason, we must protect biodiversity, flora and fauna based on local wisdom as part of the nation's assets," concluded Budisatrio.

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