Robbers Battered And Died After A Duel With Their Victims In Batam City
Illustration of the corpse (ANTARA)

BATAM - A robber was killed by his victim in Batam City, Riau Islands. Meanwhile, the victim, who is the son of the owner of the house, is now being treated in hospital due to a sharp weapon wound by the robber.

It is known that the robber named Herman was battered after dueling with Hampur Rahmatullah, the son of the owner of the house, Mercy Rorara, whose house was visited by the perpetrators at the Bp Batam Parks housing complex, Sei Temiang Sekupang, Batam City.

The perpetrator, who entered by prying out the bedroom window using a sharp weapon, immediately pointed a badik at Mercy Rorara. However, his intention was to loot the victim's gold and property, caught the child and immediately dueled.

According to Sekupang Police Chief AKP M Rizki, the victim's child suffered a stab wound to the chest by the perpetrator and had to be rushed to Embung Fatimah Hospital. Meanwhile, the robber went into critical condition and eventually died.

"The perpetrator had already taken the victim's gold and money, but the victim screamed for help and the child was armed and dueled with the perpetrator. The victim suffered stab wounds to the chest and has now finished surgery, while the perpetrator died," said the police chief, Thursday, January 18.

Hampur Rahmatullah in his statement said that he woke up and saw the perpetrator who was about to run away through the window. He immediately pulled the perpetrator into the kitchen and dueled. During the duel, the perpetrator stabbed the badik into his chest.

"I dueled with my bare hands, I woke up because of my mother's screams. The perpetrator was about to run away and I pulled it into the kitchen and the perpetrator stabbed me right away," said Hampur.

The robbery case was terminated because the suspect died. Currently, the body of the perpetrator is still in the morgue of the Batam City Hospital to wait for the family to take it.

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