Central Java Police Chief Gives 'Warning' People Don't Use Brong Exhaust During Political Campaigns
Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

JAKARTA - Ahead of the open campaign schedule which will take place from January 21, 2024 to February 10, 2024, the Central Java Police again appealed to the public regarding the use of Brong exhaust.

The appeal was issued following the discovery of residents who use Brong exhaust on the highway, both individually and in groups.

"This ban is clear and there are rules, both listed in Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation and Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 56 of 2019 concerning the Baku Mutu of Motor Vehicle Noise", said Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Satake Bayu Setianto, in a written statement, Thursday, January 18.

The Central Java Regional Police, said the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, has listed a ban on the use of Brong exhaust in the campaign permit.

"If there are people who still use Brong exhaust, then the person in charge of the campaign will be summoned for questioning," he said.

He asked that this rule be obeyed by all levels of society considering the impact of Brong exhaust which resulted in police voices and the potential to create conflicts among residents.

"Every violator who uses a Brong exhaust will be brought under control, including strict action in accordance with the law," he explained.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi explained that the ranks of the Central Java Police will take firm action against every Brong exhaust user on the highway.

This was conveyed by the Kapolda when inaugurating the Boyolali Police Satpas Building on Monday, January 15. He said, for the past year he had given warnings and socialization to the public that the Brong exhaust did not match specifications and disturbed the environment and public order.

He hopes that at the stages of the general election, especially during the open campaign, there will be no more masses using Brong exhaust vehicles. Moreover, a declaration and statement has been made from representatives of political parties participating in the election not to use Brong exhaust

"Therefore, I warn the public, especially in Central Java, not to try to carry out this activity (use of Brong exhaust). We will carry out control, this is all to provide guarantees of order in our area during upcoming campaign activities," he said.

"If later after being warned, it turns out that there is still the use of Brong exhaust during the campaign, they will be put in order. The tactical and technical issues will be the authority of the Police," he added.

The Regional Police Chief said that his party had made efforts through preventive and preemptive efforts to enforce the law in handling the Brong exhaust problem in Central Java.

Preemptively, the ranks of the Central Java Police have made an announcement so that people do not use Brong exhaust and call related parties, in this case campaign organizers, so as not to use Brong exhaust.

The Regional Police Chief explained that preemptive efforts were also targeting upstream to downstream, meaning that appeals for the dangers and prohibition of Brong exhaust were not only targeting motorcycle users but also craftsmen and workshops providing Brong exhaust.

"Therefore, I hope that not only people who obey not to use Brong exhaust. This means that the contestants and political parties participate in supporting this activity in the context of comfort and order for the implementation of the upcoming campaign," he concluded

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