Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, promised to give gifts or rewards to people who are hunting for corruptors.

This was conveyed by Anies at the KPK Integrity Paku event which was attended by three candidate pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates at the KPK's Red and White building, Kuningan, South Jakarta.

"We plan to give a decent gift to corrupt hunters," said Anies on Wednesday, January 17.

Thus, Anies said that efforts to uncover corruption cases were not only based on the prosecution of the KPK, the police, and the prosecutor's office.

"All those who reported were hunting for them get equal rewards," he continued.

On the other hand, Anies also optimized the submission of assets reports of state administrators (LHKPN) of all state officials to the KPK

As stated by the KPK leadership, Anies agrees that there are sanctions for officials who do not periodically report LHKPN. One of the sanctions that Anies wants to apply is demotion or demotion to officials who are absent from reporting LHKPN.

"We agree that if it is not implemented, then demotion, even reposition, or other sanctions can be carried out," said the former governor of DKI Jakarta.

Not only that, Anies also promised to revise the KPK Law which has been disputed by a number of parties.

"We want to restore the KPK to be legally authoritative again like before and this means revising the KPK law. We want this revision to turn the KPK into a strong position," explained Anies.

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