Residents Protest, Mie Gacoan Project In Ciputat Accused Of Being The Cause Of Flooding Increasingly
Sudibyo, a representative of Ciputat residents who claimed to protest the construction of the Mie Gacoan project/ Photo: Jehan/VOI

TANGERANG The construction of the Mie Gacoan project in Jakan Insiyur Juanda, Ciputat, South Tangerang has drawn rejection from local residents. This is because residents feel that with the project, the drainage of the surrounding environment has become clogged. As a result, flooding can take a long time to subside.

Sudibyo, a representative of local residents, said that before one-sided narrowing of the drainage was carried out, flooding in his area only lasted a while.

"Because of the construction of the Mie Gacoan restaurant, the water channel (drainase) which was previously one meter, has now become 60 cm, so it is narrow. So it can no longer accommodate water from above," said Sidibyo when met at the location, Tuesday, January 16.

"Moreover, the rainy season has a huge impact. The impact experienced by 3 RWs is very large. So what had rained was a moment. If for example the rain was over, the water receded quickly. 1-2 hours dry again. Now with the narrowing of the channel, 1-2 days have just receded," he continued.

Therefore, Sudibyo and other residents hope that the manager will discuss together to find a bright spot for the problem.

Before meeting the supervisor, the contractor. Want to meet the owner but always not given access. So who owns this land? Because every time I ask the location, they just answer 'I just work.'

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