Deputy Governor who is also Deputy Chair of the North Sulawesi PDIP DPD, Steven Kandouw apologized to Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate, Gerindra Party and other related parties after the celebration in Langowan, Minahasa Regency last weekend.

"So responding to the hustle and bustle two days later on social media about the implementation of the campaign in Langowan where I performed, from the bottom of the deepest day, not forced, but I would like to convey my personal awareness to my friends, brothers and sisters in Langowan, TKD Prabowo-Gibran, including the big family of the Maengkom-Sigar apology as much as possible," Steven told reporters in Manado as reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 15.

If in the oration there are offensive words, it doesn't make it comfortable, it hurts, Steven apologizes.

"Once again I apologize profusely."

Steven, who is also the chairman of the PDIP North Sulawesi Election Winning Body, said that as a public official, he has become determined and all parties so that the election remains conducive.

"Although there are different political affiliations, different parties, different presidential and vice presidential candidates, we must be proud that peace, harmony must be a priority," he said.

Especially in North Sulawesi, said Steven, the democratic party must really be a cheerful democratic party.

"Democracy parties that provide socialization, enlightenment and political education for all, especially generations under us," he said.

"Once again, Steven OE Kandouw apologizes profusely," he said.

Previously, a viral social media organization Steven Kandouw said that the copper statue of Schwarz in front of the Langowan GMIMSentrum Church was built by the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey, even though the statue was an aid from Prabowo Subianto as defense minister.

He continued to mention that Prabowo's work was mentioned at this time because it was related to the political agenda of the 2024 presidential election.

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