Maruarar Sirait said goodbye to the PDI-P (PDIP). He decided to leave Megawati Soekarnoputri's party and meet with the top ranks of the PDIP DPP today.

"After I prayed and discussed with the closest people, my closest friends, I decided to say goodbye to the PDI-P today and I pray that the PDI-P will remain a big party," Maruarar told reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 15.

Maruarar admitted that he had met with the Deputy Secretary General of PDIP Utut Adianto and Rudiyanto Tjen, the Deputy General Treasurer of the white-nosed bull logo party.

"I would like to thank Mrs. Mega, Mr. Hasto (PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto), and the party ranks because so far they have allowed me to serve through PDIP," he said.

Maruarur explained his departure from PDIP because he wanted to follow in the footsteps of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). It is known that the relationship between PDIP and Jokowi is currently strained because of Gibran Rakabuming Raka's candidacy as vice presidential candidate.

"I believe Pak Jokowi is a leader who is very supported by the Indonesian people. His public trust, his rating proof is 75-80 percent. He has fought for many things," said Maruarar.

"So I chose together with Mr. Jokowi in my next political choice in the future. Please pray for his blessing," he concluded.

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