BOGOR - Bogor Resort Police (Polres) alerted 4,000 personnel to anticipate conflicts during voting moments in all polling stations (TPS) throughout Bogor Regency, West Java (West Java).

Bogor Police Chief AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro explained, every TPS in Bogor Regency has the same level of vulnerability in the 2024 General Election.

"We consider all polling stations vulnerable. So that our security applies the same as to avoid any form of disturbance to social security," said Rio in Cibinong, Bogor, Monday, January 15, as reported by Antara.

The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bogor Regency has determined the number of TPS as many as 15,228 spread across 40 sub-districts with a fixed Voter List (DPT) of 3,889,441 voters.

"Everything we say is vulnerable, we don't want to underestimate so we can carry out our duties to avoid any threat and disturbance situation no matter how small, I ask Bogor Regency to zero from any incident," he said.

Rio said security was not only carried out during the voting process. Security is carried out from logistics distribution to polling stations to post-voting stations.

"The distribution of personnel who will oversee is seen from the security and social security situation and seen from the demographic aspect as well. Including the weather aspect, we consider so that the escort can be carried out properly," said Rio.

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