JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono will be sued in a citizen lawsuit or class action by residents to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) due to the fate of the current bicycle lane.

The class action operator to be launched is the Bike to Work (B2W) cyclist community. B2W Chairman Fahmi Saimima explained that the DKI Provincial Government in the Heru era was considered to have implemented policy malpractice related to bicycle lanes in the capital city.

"This time's lawsuit is about the malpractice of governance in the city of Jakarta in an effort to ensure the safety of cyclists, because we have measured it within one year of vulnerability," Fahmi said in a short message, Monday, January 15.

Currently, B2W has appointed a lawyer to accompany the lawsuit process in court. Before the class action lawsuit was filed, B2W was preparing administrative efforts.

The lawsuit this time is asking Heru to ensure the safety of bicycle users and follow the rules regarding the spatial details plan (RDTR) and the regional spatial plan (RTRW) that has been prepared.

"Of the many that we have used as evidence, we hope that there will be improvements, and especially the DKI Provincial Government will return to the 2040 Jakarta RTRW and the elaboration of the 2022-2026 Jakarta RDTR," said Fahmi.

Meanwhile, the policy of the DKI Provincial Government which is considered malpractice for bicycle lane management by B2W is: - November 2022: the budget cuts for bicycle lanes were originally budgeted in the 2023 RAPBD amounting to Rp38 billion and then proposed to be zeroed. - April 2023: Heru buda established traffic engineering (traffic) in the Santa red light T-junction area, South Jakarta, by dismantling pedestrians and bicycle lanes. - May 2023: 18 sections of the capital city road were ordered to be re-paved under the pretext of welcoming the Asean Summit but with a menutu of existing bicycle lanes, and not returned as originally - October 2023: DKI Transportation Agency dismantled the stick cone limiting bicycle lanes on 13 bicycle lanes on the grounds of endangering other motorists. - October 2023: in the draft discussion of the 2024 Budget Year Raperda, the construction of bicycle lanes amounted to Rp4,513,936,931 was included in the budget for reduction/transition and was not budgeted again.

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