The candidate for vice president number 3 Mahfud MD hopes that people will use rationality and conscience in choosing a leader.

"I hope the public will use rationality, to use conscience," he said on the sidelines of a dinner on the Pinisi Ship with cadres from the supporting party on Losari Beach, Makassar, South Sulawesi, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 12.

He asked the public not to make the wrong choice of leadership in the 2024 Presidential Election. One of the things that needs to be observed is the track record of the presidential candidate pair.

"All of you have read the news about the vision and mission, about the track record. Then ask your conscience, which of these candidates will you choose," he said.

In the event, Mahfud was accompanied by the Chairman of the South Sulawesi PDIP DPD Ridwan Andi Wittiri, the Chairman of the South Sulawesi PPP DPD Imam Fauzan, the Chairman of the South Sulawesi Perindo DPD Sanusi Ramadhan, the Chairman of the South Sulawesi Ganjar TPD Udin Shaputra Malik, and Muhammad AS Hikam as Minister of State Research and Technology for the 1999-2001 period.

On that occasion, Hikam believed Mahfud would make a breakthrough in eradicating corruption if the Ganjar-Mahfud pair would later be elected to the 2024 presidential election.

"We will witness that once he is appointed as a vice presidential candidate, one of the things he does is make a breakthrough in eradicating corruption," he said.

According to him, the Indonesian people have witnessed their track record that what Mahfud said has always been followed up.

"He has been a very consistent person from the start in eradicating corruption, this is not talk or omon-omon," he said.

Therefore, he hopes that voters, especially those in the South Sulawesi region, will not be indecisive and will not hesitate to choose the Ganjar-Mahfud pair.

Mahfud's planned visit on Saturday (13/1) tomorrow included attending the GaMa Paslon Mission Vision Surgery event at Hasanuddin University and attending a meeting and lunch with supporters of Ganjar-Mahfud in Rupang.

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