The Bogor City Police Satreskrim secured a man with the initials AS (16), the perpetrator showing off his genitals in public places on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

Meanwhile, the incident of showing off genitals in public places took place on Jalan Raya Pajajaran, precisely in front of the Vocational IPB on Monday, January 8.

Where, there were two students with the initials DP (13) and KF (14) who were victims in this case.

"We have managed to secure children who are in conflict with the law (perpetrators) around the Tanah Baru area," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bogor City Police, Kompol Luthfi Olot Gigantara, Friday, January 12.

"Currently, children who are in conflict with the law have been taken to the PPA Unit of the Bogor City Police Criminal Investigation Unit for examination," he continued.

It is known that the case of showing off genitals in this public place had previously gone viral on social media (medsos), after one of the victims uploaded a photo of the perpetrator.

Then, the Head of PPA and members checked with the TKP to seek information related to the viral case of showing off their genitals in public places on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.

After that, the perpetrator was successfully secured in Tanah Baru Village, North Bogor District, Bogor City on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

Meanwhile, the evidence that was successfully secured from the perpetrator included the jackets and pants worn by the suspect at the time of the incident.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 82 paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, and or Article 5 of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning TPKS.

"The threat is a maximum imprisonment of 15 years, and a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion," said Kompol Luthfi Olot Gigantara.

Previously, disgust and fear still enveloped Mawar (the pseudonym). The junior high school student in Bogor City was still traumatized after receiving unpleasant treatment from a man who showed off his vitals in front of him.

At the time of the incident, Mawar, who was about to go home from school, was followed by an unknown man. Until the man who had a sexual disorder dared to show his genitals towards Mawar.

That day, Mawar was scared and ran for help. He also had time to call the teacher while sobbing.

The victim's family, Erika, explained that the harassment occurred when Mawar came home from school on foot to the Lodaya area.

On the way, an unknown man approached and then took out his genitals in front of the victim.

"The victim was afraid and ran away. But he was chased by the perpetrator. He then asked for help from the shop there, then called the teacher," Erika said in her tweet.

The victim was then escorted home by his teacher in a state of crying and shaking. Erika said that as a result of the incident the victim was traumatized.

Erika who shared the story on her Instagram turned out to have received a surprising response. This is because many people claim to have been victims of harassment by the same exhibitionist perpetrator.

"The victim's school has reported this incident to the police. Hopefully it can be caught quickly," he hoped.

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