JAKARTA Hundreds of mass demonstrations 'Illicit Indonesia' have disbanded since the afternoon, at around 18.30 WIB. The mob of the students held an action without any commotion, even though they had knocked down the concrete barrier of the road. All that's left now is only the cleaning staff from the Environment Agency, to clean up trash on the streets.

Seen at the location, dozens of cleaners from the LH Office of Gambir District and PPSU cleaned up the remaining garbage that was scattered after the demonstration on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, the Parung Kuda Monas area, Central Jakarta on Thursday night, February 20.

From VOI's observation at the location, dozens of officers who were members of the LH Office of Gambir District and PPSU cleaned Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat using a manual sweeper.

"We from the Environment Agency have deployed 50 personnel, assisted by PPSU 15 people. So indeed this is an LH activity, every time there are demonstration speeches like this, it is LH's responsibility," said Operations Section of the Department of Environment, Gambir District, Nemit Harjayadi to VOI in the Monas Horse Statue area.

Nemit explained that his party was fully responsible for cleanliness in the Monas Horse Statue area, after the demonstration was completed.

"Especially cleanliness in all neighborhoods, all of them are LH's responsibility regarding cleanliness," he said.

Nemit said that his party often waited until the demonstration was over at all times.

"Although this demonstration is up to what time, we are still waiting. Because we let it be, after the oration of this location must be clean. There should be no dilute garbage left from the demonstration," he said.

His party deployed a number of cleaning equipment which included an inorganic fleet of 1 unit of 'Toyo' car, 2 units of cross cars, 1 unit of open tuber and 1 unit of motorcycle cart.

"We also use part of the cleaning equipment for the broom, penki, plastic bags," he said.

After cleaning, the Medan Merdeka Barat Road section towards the State Palace has also reopened. Medan Merdeka Street can be crossed by vehicles since 19.00 WIB.

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