Leaks Military Information And Receives Bribe From Chinese Intel, US Navy Soldier Imprisoned
Illustration. (Piaxabay/TayebMEZAHDIA)

JAKARTA - A United States Navy soldier was sentenced to 27 months in prison on Monday for providing photos of information about the country's military to China in exchange for nearly $1,500 from Chinese intelligence officers.

Corporal Two Wenheng "Thomas" Zhao (26), pleaded guilty last October to conspiracy and accepting bribes. Zhao, who faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, was also fined $5,500, the US justice department said in a statement.

Zhao, who served at the Ventura County Naval Base in California, admitted to sending US military exercises plans. in the Indo-Pacific region, operational orders, and electrical diagrams to the blueprint of radar systems at military bases in Okinawa, Japan to Chinese officers.

"Zhao chose to betray the oath he took to our country and endanger others," said Larissa Knapp, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Security Branch.

"Today's punishment shows, once again, the inability of Chinese intelligence agencies to prevent the FBI and key partners we arrest and try Chinese-signed spies," he continued in a statement.

The United States accuses China of extensive espionage and cyberattack campaigns. Beijing itself denies accusations made by Washington DC.

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