JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate (Capres) number 2, Prabowo Subianto is disappointed with the other two candidates, namely, Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo.

According to him, the two competitors in the 2024 Presidential Election or Presidential Election contestation politicized the defense in the third debate moment.

"I am a bit disappointed with the quality, especially the narrative conveyed by other candidate pairs," Prabowo told reporters, Sunday, January 7.

"In my opinion, firstly, they have a lot of wrong data, wrong. Second, this defense issue wants to be used as material for finding political points that I think statesmen should not," he continued.

There are several other things that make Prabowo disappointed. The first is about defense which is said to be undisclosed. In fact, Prabowo said, defense is a sacred thing. Thus, full of confidentiality.

"In fact, the issue of defense, security, is full of secret things," he said.

Then, regarding the Gaza conflict. Prabowo firmly supports Palestine according to President Joko Widodo's direction.

"Regarding Palestine, we firmly support it, the President has given me instructions, at any time the UN asks, we are ready to send peacekeepers, we are ready to send ships, hospitals, and we continue to make contact with Egypt, contact with interested countries in the area," Prabowo said.

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