YOGYAKARTA Having a menstrual period can be one of the most easily known signs of pregnancy in women. However, not all menstrual delays absolutely indicate pregnancy. To find out whether menstruation is late, it indicates that pregnancy must know how long it takes for menstruation to be declared pregnant.

Quoted from AI Care, every woman has a different menstrual cycle. Generally, this cycle occurs between 21-35 days. In addition, menstruation cycles can change at any time according to various conditions.

Women experience menstruation between 3 and 7 days. The duration of mens in women is also different depending on many factors, ranging from lifestyle, stress burden, diet, and many more.

The slowdown in mens is closely related to symptoms of pregnancy if it occurs for 5 days or more from the date it should be menstruated.

On the Cleveland Clinic website, it is explained that the delay in menstruation related to pregnancy is about five to seven days. Signs of pregnancy are getting stronger if before the delay in mens have active sex without using contraceptives.

To find out how long you have been in the mens, first know the regular schedule of the mens. For example, your menstrual cycle is 28 days per month. It turns out that on the 33rd day, the mens usually experience doesn't happen anything. At this time, try to do a pregnancy test with a test pack.

However, for those of you who have an irregular menstrual menstruation cycle, do a pregnancy test after 4-5 days of the longest cycle. For example, your longest mens cycle is 35 days. Do a pregnancy test after 35 days are missed.

If menstruation delays occur for more than 6 weeks, it is advisable to immediately check with a doctor.

In addition to menstruation delays, there are several other signs of young pregnancy that can be known, namely as follows.

If during the mens delay you are accompanied by nausea and vomiting, pregnancy is very likely to occur. Nausea and vomiting are commonly called morning visits. This sign occurs at the gestational age of 46 weeks and then subsides in the 16th week of gestational age.

Pregnant women in the early weeks will also experience fatigue and weakness. This happens because the hormin progesteron triggers fatigue and the bags increase.

Try to press your breasts. If you feel pain when pressed and even touched, it can be a sign of pregnancy. In addition, observe isola (the skin that surrounds the bust). If the isola is widening and getting darker, it could be a sign of pregnancy.

That information related to how long menstruation is declared pregnant. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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