JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak, M.Sc. reiterated that the TNI continues to uphold neutrality in the face of the 2024 General Election. He also asked all parties not to overfer from the incident of mistreatment of volunteers from one of the candidate pairs that occurred in Boyolali last week.

This was conveyed by Kasad in an exclusive interview with Rosiana Silalahi, entitled 'Resistance Persecution, Netrality of the TNI Questioned', broadcast on Kompas TV, Thursday, January 4.

Regarding the interview theme, Kasad stated that he regretted that there were parties who tried to link the incident that occurred towards the neutrality of the TNI. For this reason, he is grateful to have the opportunity to straighten out this oblique opinion.

"It has nothing to do with anything else (TNI neutrality). This is purely because my members are still young, so I responded that way. But judging from the current development, he ran everywhere. That's why I am grateful to be present at Rosi to clarify it," he said.

Kasad also emphasized that the swift action of the TNI AD in responding to the Boyolali incident was concrete evidence that the TNI AD did hold fast to neutrality. For this reason, he asked the public to see the incident in its entirety, not to immediately draw conclusions based on the short video circulating.

"Don't analyze events based on short videos and immediately draw conclusions. The group has been around eight times and has been repeatedly reminded (so as not to cause noise). So there is an action there is a reaction. But it's not wild in conclusion. Don't get involved everywhere, and it's better if all parties evaluate each other, not just us," he urged.

Closing the interview, Kasad reiterated that the TNI AD leadership would evaluate various activities carried out by the Army during the campaign period, especially the presidential election. So that there are no more accusations that the TNI / TNI AD is not neutral.

"From the start of my inauguration, I have said that I will be firm regarding the issue of neutrality. I have proven it, there was an incident, tonight (the members) were immediately detained, a few days they have become suspects. Just wait for the trial later, because he also has the right to defend himself. So, don't continue to be cornered to us (TNI AD), directed again about neutrality. I think it's excessive, so don't," said Kasad.

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