Police Call Saipul Jamil Negative For Drugs
Capture Saiful Jamil screens secured

JAKARTA - Artist Saipul Jamil was arrested by a drug member of the Tambora Police in the Jalan Daan Mogot area, West Jakarta, Friday, January 5, afternoon. He was also arrested after the police arrested Saipul's assistant in a drug case.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Donny Agung Harvida said his party was still conducting investigations and deepening at the Tambora Police. Security related to drugs.

"Incidentally, we were securing someone, it turns out that there is Saipul Jamil in it. We are still investigating it," said Kompol Donny when confirmed, Friday, January 5.

Saipul Jamil was secured in a mini bus with his partner. The car was ambushed by police on the streets to attract public attention.

"Yes, in the car. So we are still investigating whether SJ has involvement or not, we are still investigating it. We are still developing this," he said.

After undergoing a urine test, Saipul Jamil is said to have had a negative test result.

"We just checked Saipul's position for negative urine, but his assistant is positive. After finishing the examination," he said.

For information, a video of Saiful Jamil's arrest circulated on social media. Saipul Jamil was seen trying to nag and did not want to be taken by a number of people.

Not only that, the video circulating also shows one of the people surrounding Saiful Jamil wearing a police jacket.

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