A total of seven families with 18 people in Gerbosari Village/Sub-district, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, fled to the local Kapanewon Samigaluh office because their houses were threatened with landslides due to heavy rains.

Tagana Coordinator Samigaluh Amin Supriyono said heavy rains flushed the Samigaluh area from Thursday (4/1) at 14.00 WIB caused landslide cliffs to block the district road access, and hit residents' houses.

"Residents affected by landslide cliffs since last night have taken refuge in the Kalurahan Gerbosari Office," Amin was quoted as saying by ANTARA.

He said the landslide caused the garage of Ponijo's house to collapse and two vehicles were buried by landslides. In addition, the bangket conditions threaten other residents' houses.

TRC Samigaluh went to the location to conduct an assessment and evacuate the affected residents. Then put up a tarpaulin to cover the landslide and the placement of the affected residents took refuge in the Kapanewon Samigaluh building.

"The Kulon Progo Social Service has sent logistical food and blankets to displaced residents," he said.

Meanwhile, Samigaluh Police Chief AKP Nugrahanto said heavy rains with high intensity in the Samigaluh area caused bangket and soil in Padukuhan Clumprit to experience landslides with a height of 15 meters, 30 meters long, and a depth of two meters of landslide piles.

Due to this incident, the road access connecting Cumprit - Ngroto was cut off, landslide material hit the house of Ponijo, Sukitri, and Sabar and there were six houses that were affected.

"Due to this incident, there were seven heads of families with 18 people displaced," he said.

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