JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin protested the selection of panelist names who would draw up questions to be asked in the third debate of the 2024 presidential election specifically for presidential candidates (candidates).

What Cak Imin questioned was the entry of two professors from the Defense University (IDU) by the General Elections Commission (KPU) as a debate panelist.

"Yes, frankly I protest," said Cak Imin when met at the Darul Muwahhidin Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Garut, West Java, Thursday, January 4.

According to Cak Imin, the involvement of two professors of the Defense University is feared to interfere with their credibility as panelists. Given, the Defense University is a university that is technically fostered by the Ministry of Defense.

This, continued Cak Imin, should be suspected of colliding with his rivals, namely presidential candidate number 1 Prabowo Subianto who is still serving as Minister of Defense.

"It interferes with objectiveity. Because of anything, the Defense University under Pak Prabowo, the Minister of Defense. That's why I protest. Thank God (the two professors of the Defense University) can be replaced," said the PKB General Chair.

The General Elections Commission (KPU) announced 11 panelist names that will formulate a list of questions about the issue of the theme of the third debate which has the theme of defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopoliticalism, and foreign politics.

KPU member August Mellaz explained that his party had already confirmed the willingness of the eleven panelists who had backgrounds and competition was closely related to defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopolitical and foreign politics.

"What we can update again is that we have received confirmation and willingness from 11 panelists," said August member, Wednesday, January 3.

The eleven panelists will also be quarantined for 3 days to formulate a list of questions in the third debate.

"For the panelist team, as in the past, tomorrow is the same. Because the debate is on the 7th, the quarantine will start on January 5, 2024 and the day after," he explained.

The eleven panelists in the upcoming second presidential candidate debate are Professor of International Security at the Indonesian Christian University, Angel Damayanti, lecturer on International Relations as well as expert in defense industry studies and technology transfer at Binus Curie University Maharani Savitri, and Professor of International Relations at the University of Indonesia Evi Fitriani.

Professor of International Law at the University of Indonesia as well as Chancellor of Jenderal Ahmad Yani Hikmahanto Juwana University, expert in marine law geospatial aspects of Gadjah Mada University I Made Andi Arsana, and lecturer at the International Relations Study Program as well as security and defense expert at Pertamina University, Ian Montratama.

Researcher from the Political Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency, Irine Hiraswari▁pengetahuan, security expert at the Defense University, Kusnanto Anggoro, KSAL 2012 2014 as well as Chairman of the Professor Council of the Defense University, Admiral TNI Retired. Marsetio.

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Indonesian International Islam and Senior Fellow CSIS Philips J. Vermonte, Professor of Global Security at Padjadjaran University R. Widya Setiabudi Sumadinata.

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