JABAR - The Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) claims that 416 villages of 393 are free from the habit of people defecating carelessly (BAB) or open defecation free (ODF).

Head of the Public Health Division of the Bogor Regency Health Office (Dinkes), Intan Widayati, revealed that the data was based on research results until the end of 2023.

He noted that several ODF categories based on the number of sub-districts in Bogor Regency, namely 34 sub-districts have full ODF, three partial ODF sub-districts, and one sub-district has not yet ODF.

"The sub-district is not yet ODF, Pamijahan District. Technically, ODF is ready. But yesterday the declaration was postponed because there was a village head on leave," he said in Cibinong, Bogor, Wednesday, January 3, which was confiscated by Antara.

The Health Office together with the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappedalitbang Bogor Regency continues to educate the public about the importance of implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle, as well as preparing communal toilet facilities, washing and toilets (MCK) so that all villages can ODF.

He said villages that have not been ODF, namely 20 percent of residents still often defecate carelessly, such as in rivers.

In addition, the area does not have MCK facilities or access to healthy latrines. Therefore, the government is here to prepare the facilities needed so that a village can be ODF.

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