JAKARTA - Having languished behind bars did not make Alvin Lim mute. He was still making a sound, shouting about allegations of a police officer with the rank of general who was a backup of a fraudulent investment player.

Alvin Lim brought up the handling of the cases of LP 0204 and 0086, where the legal process was considered by Alvin Lim unclear.

"Brigjen WH, promised me before Eid would detain Henry Surya's father and wife as perpetrators of money laundering offenses. However, the reality until now is only a promise. Also, many confiscated assets were lost and transferred to other parties, so the execution would be complicated and take years." said Alvin Lim in a written statement, Friday, December 29.

Alvin is heading to the Net89 case, where he is of the opinion that 2 main actors whose whereabouts are already known, have never been arrested.

"Kental is suspected of being a police officer in the Net89 case. The first is the 2 main perpetrators who were never arrested by the police and fled before being named suspects. The second is the Net89 investigation which was carried out carelessly, so 5 other suspects were released for the sake of law at the Tangerang District Court." said Alvin.

Alvin Lim admitted that he would again report Brigadier General WH to the National Police Propam and file a lawsuit against the law to the court.

"Previously there was an agreement that I withdrew the propam ethical complaint, Brigadier General WH, but he promised to process and detain the Indosurya perpetrators, namely SE and his wife Henry Surya in the PT Indosurya Intifinance TPPU case, which had already been named as suspects. But in fact, the National Police General lied and did not do his job." said Alvin Lim.

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