JAKARTA - Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review (IPR) Ujang Komaruddin revealed three tips so that pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates (candidates-vice presidential candidates) are able to dominate the debate and influence public preferences to vote in the 2024 presidential election. Ujang explained that the first tip is the mastery of the material according to the theme so that the delivery of all ideas related to it can be well and the public understands. "If the presidential and vice presidential candidates do not understand the material or vision and mission programs, it will confuse themselves for the candidate pairs so that it is difficult to describe them," said Ujang on the sidelines of the discussion session with the theme 'Maybe the Debat of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates Affect Voters in the 2024 presidential election' in Jakarta, Thursday, December 28. The second tip, he continued, is that the mastery of the stage through rhetoric, body language or gimmick that is able to influence audiences and moderators is believed to be an effective way to dominate the course of debate. The last tip is to be able to predict the direction of questions from opponents of debate so that they can prepare answers that are national and able to change the perception of uncertain voters or undecided votes to vote. "If you don't want to look negative on stage, yes, you must be able to predict the direction of questions from moderators or opponents of debate, and that's important to do," he said.

Oleh karena itu, ketiga tip itu harus mampu dilakukan oleh capres/cawapres sehingga bisa mendongkrak elektabilitas masing-masing.Dari dua debat yang sudah berlalu, yaitu debat pertama pada hari Selasa 12 Desember, menurut dia, tampak didominasi oleh Anies dan Prabowo, sedangkan debat kedua, jalannya debat pada hari Jumat 22 Desember terlihat didominasi oleh Gibran.

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