NTB - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is investigating allegations that the village head (kades) in his area is suspected of violating the neutrality of the 2024 General Election. All three are suspected of being involved in the legislative candidate campaign (caleg).

The head of the NTB Bawaslu Itratif said that the three village heads were suspected of violating the election crime in West Lombok, Bima and Dompu Regencies, respectively.

"Regency Bawaslu friends are currently clarifying to collect evidence of the alleged involvement of the village head who participated in campaigning for one of the election participants, in this case legislative candidates (caleg)," said Itratif in Mataram, NTB, Wednesday, December 27, confiscated by Antara.

Especially for West Lombok Regency, he continued, the wife of the village head is a legislative candidate for one of the political parties. Where the village head openly campaigned for his wife through his social media account (medsos).

"Of course this is what is being investigated whether there is a face-to-face meeting in the field held in question. We hope that Bawaslu, West Lombok Regency, will soon find facts or evidence that further strengthens their findings," he explained.

Itratif mengungkapkan apa yang dilakukan oknum kades pasti sengajaran. Karena sudah jelas dalam undang-undang bahwa kades tidak boleh mengikuti politik praktis.

"So I think this is just a matter of delinquency for those concerned who want to test our seriousness (Bawaslu, ed) in handling violations," he said.

According to him, during the election campaign period, there have been 13 cases of alleged election violations handled by the district Bawaslu. Seven cases related to election crimes, three cases related to other violations of the law and three cases committed by the state civil apparatus (ASN).

"So most of these findings were found by Bawaslu districts and cities. They themselves carried out the handling. For Bawaslu province to this day we have not received reports from the public," said Itratif.

Itratif berharap kasus-kasus yang dilakukan oleh pejabat atau pun oleh ASN yang diproses melalui KASN dapat diberikan sanksi yang jelas dan tegas, sehingga bisa memberikan efek jera agar kasus-kasus serupa tidak terus terulang di kemudian.

"We have often handled cases of ASN neutrality, but cases like this continue to emerge. We hope that this position sanction must be firm and increased so that it will have a deterrent effect," he said.

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