The problem of waste treatment is still an obstacle faced by tofu craftsmen who are members of the Jombang Tofu Craftsmen Association. They also complained to the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, who was carrying out recess activities. They hope to find a solution to the problems they have faced so far.

"Until now, tofu craftsmen in Jombang have not found a solution related to waste treatment, in this case the integrated Wastewater Processing Installation (IPAL). They want their business to run smoothly without any problems," said HM Syarif Hidayatullah, in a written statement, Sunday, December 24.

Deputy Chairman of Commission D of the Jombang DPRD, who is familiarly called Gus Sentot, explained that there were 87 tofu craftsmen who had these complaints. Because, so far, the waste they produce from processing 100 tons of soybeans each month does not have a solution. As a result, this is always a problem.

"From the association, it is ready to provide land for waste treatment. It's just that for financing this waste treatment, it requires a lot of money. So, they need assistance from the central government. This is what Pak LaNyalla hopes to fight for," explained Gus Sentot.

According to Gus Sentot, so far the waste problem has been a crucial obstacle experienced by tofu craftsmen. They often deal with the law because of waste problems that have not been properly facilitated.

"Hopefully they can be facilitated, so they are calm in trying and not only in contact with legal issues," said Gus Sentot.

In addition to the problem of waste management, Gus Sentot explained that the problem faced by tofu craftsmen is the availability of raw materials.

"Recently, raw materials have stalled. We know that soybeans are imported. So it takes a touch from the government," said LaNyalla.

Another aspiration, said Gus Sentot, is the hope of residents in Bandar Kedungmulyo who hope that the former floods in their residential areas can be resolved soon.

"The flood was an annual disaster due to overflowing river water. As a result of the flood, there was a buildup of mud that needed to be dredged. The government's attention was lacking. Some said it was for dredging the authority of this institution and that. So, attention needs to be resolved immediately," said Gus Sentot.

Responding to these aspirations, the Chairman of the DPD RI moved quickly to try to solve the problems faced by the tofu craftsman.

"I immediately assigned Committees I and II at the DPD RI to resolve this issue. I think this issue needs our special attention, especially since the industry knows that in Jombang it has great potential to produce PAD (Regional Original Income)," said LaNyalla.

LaNyalla also asked the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), both in Jombang Regency and in East Java, to participate in helping solve problems faced by tofu craftsmen.

"I think Kadin Jombang and Kadin East Java need to take part in solving this problem, so that craftsmen know we are not dealing with the law. Kadin can supervise craftsmen in their business and waste management," said LaNyalla.

Even so with complaints from residents in Bandar Kedungmulyo, the Senator from East Java asked BNPB and the PUPR service, especially the Sub-Department of the Watershed to immediately clean up the mud due to flooding. On the other hand, it is necessary to find a solution so that the area is free from annual flooding.(*)

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